
Kazakhstan Exports 4.1 Million Tons of Grain in Six Months

22.08.2023 09:19

Kazakh exporters plan to increase grain supplies to the countries of the Caucasus region, primarily to Azerbaijan.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture, Kazakhstan exported 4.1 million tons of grain to the countries of Central Asia and Afghanistan in six months of this year, reported the Kazinform on Aug. 17.

The country sent more than 100,000 tons of grain to China in the same period.

“Kazakhstan makes efforts to increase the competitiveness of domestic grain in export markets. For example, the country seeks to obtain tariff preferences for transit transportation by rail through the territory of Uzbekistan to increase the grain export to Afghanistan,” according to the ministry.

Also, Kazakh exporters plan to increase grain supplies to the countries of the Caucasus region, primarily to Azerbaijan.


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